Contact information:
Festival Co-Chairman - Bob Fleishman - 585-746-0075
Festival Co-Chairman - Randy Hamilton - 585-315-1872
Vendor Chairman -Deb Saxton - 585-519-2423
Concessions Chairman - Sara Schrader - 585-259-1090
Parade Chairman - Barb Miller- 585-455-0613
Fruits of the Press Wine/Beer Tasting - Pat and Gene Drum - 607-661-0147
Prince/Princess contest - Deb Matthews - 607-661-0727
Car Show - Cruize'n Time Car Shows - John and Tammy Evans - 607- 968-3304
Snowmobile Show - Jim VanWormer 607-382-0948
Tractor Pull - Doug Landis - 585-737-6385
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Fall Foliage Festival